gmail cloud drive

This is a tool that allows you to send a mail with your Google Drive files using Gmail account. This app use a Google Apps Script hosting on Google clouds. It's fast and reliable.

相關軟體 GMail Drive 下載

Gmail Notifier Pro是一款好用的gmail通知軟體。但它除了支援Gmail的同步通知之外,也支援hotmail、Yahoo信箱、Google Reader、Google文件及Google日曆等等,並且支援從軟體撰寫、回覆或轉寄等操作,對於不喜歡開啟瀏覽器觀看新信件的人來說,是一套非常適合好用的軟體。 支援Gma...

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  • Google Cloud Platform lets you build and host applications and websites, store data, and a...
    Google Cloud Computing, Hosting Services & APIs | Google Cloud Platform
  • This is a tool that allows you to send a mail with your Google Drive files using Gmail acc...
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    Gmail, Docs, Calendar, & Cloud Storage - G Suite
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    Gmail Cloud Storage to Google Drive - YouTube
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    使用Google 雲端硬碟- Google Cloud Storage 的新功能、優點及優勢
  • Drive starts you off with 15 GB of free Google online storage, so you can keep ...
    Google Drive – Cloud Storage & File Backup for Photos, Docs & More
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  • Google Drive is a safe place for all your files and puts them within reach from any smartp...
    Google Drive - Android Apps on Google Play
  • 2014年11月21日 - This is a tool that allows you to send a mail with Google Drive ...
    Cloud Drive to Mail - Chrome 線上應用程式商店 - Google
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  • OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, Amazon Cloud Drive .... However, you have to share t...
    OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive and Box: Which cloud storage - CNET
  • Store any file Drive starts you with 15 GB of free Google online storage, so you can keep ...
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